A Charity Ride For Ocean Heroes.

Ocean Heroes is an amazing charity that provides kids with ASD the opportunity to give surfing a try in a safe, secure and supportive environment. The amazing volunteers who support this worthwhile charity are superheroes who provide kids with ASD an opportunity to experience the joy, wonders and beauty of the ocean. The changes I have seen in fellow participants, alongside myself, even after a single session is nothing less than absolutely heartwarming. This is the reason I have chosen them as the charity I would like to support through my 500km riding adventure. Without the support, encouragement and guidance to grow my confidence that this amazing charity has provided I would never have developed the belief in myself that I could achieve such a lofty goal. This is my way of saying thank you to these amazing humans who support this charity for everything they have and continue to do for me.


Jack’s Story

G’day, I’m Jack, a young 12-year-old boy thriving with ASD who has been very fortunate to be surrounded by loving and supportive people who have guided me on this journey of growth and understanding. Ocean Heroes has been integral in building my confidence to get outside and challenge myself to try new things which doesn’t come naturally. This is what lead me to want to learn to ride my bike, only two years ago, which has been an amazing journey of growth and challenge that has seen me take up mountain biking as a sport which has increased my confidence and love of riding.

Why I Want to do This.

Why do I want to ride 500kms? 

I want to ride 500kms because it looks really fun. I originally wanted to do the whole Munda Biddi Trail in sections over lots of time, and when I talked to my parents about it, we came up with the idea to reduce the ride to 500km over the school holidays and use the opportunity to fundraise for a charity of my choice.

Why have I chosen Ocean Heroes? 

I want to do this for Ocean Heroes because they’ve done so much for people with Autism. I’ve been with Ocean Heroes since I was eight and I have learnt to love surfing and even the cold water! 

What does this ride represent to me? 

Having Autism and other difficulties has meant that life has sometimes been one giant challenge with lots of obstacles, and I’ve needed to take big leaps of faith in my own abilities to get through each and every day, and tough times too.

I’ve even had some challenging moments when I have been put down by other kids without disabilities and I have just felt lonely and out of place.  

I want to ride the 500kms to show myself and everyone else that Autism can be a strength. I hope to demonstrate that there is always ‘ability in disability and will use this as my motto when riding. 

Why is riding important to me? 

Riding is important to me because I’ve found it really hard to do for a long time. It wasn’t until the first Covid lockdown, when I was nine, that I learnt to ride at all. 

Learning to ride has meant a lot of things for me, most importantly it meant long rides with my family and being out on the trails, enjoying the outdoors together. I love the breeze in my hair, the wind in my face, and the occasional midge in my mouth (Not! Haha). 

My first long ride was 10km and it felt awesome, and we have been pushing the distance every ride since. When I ride and break a new personal record I feel lots of pride and confidence in myself. 

Where Am I Riding.

My plan is to finish my last 500km of the worlds longest trail ride, the Munda Biddi Trail. We commenced the ride at the most Southern point in Albany, WA this time last year and rode north during the September school holidays. We finished at a place called Kata Burna where we will begin the final leg of the ride this September school holidays in 2023. Stay tuned for specific updates on my exact riding plan.

How You Can Help.

Any support you could provide would be very welcome. Be that in the form of a donation, sponsorship or kind words of encouragement. I will update this page asap to add a donation Button to support this fantastic charity. Thanks team!